We are an ASX50 listed company, owning 100% of the largest independent hard rock lithium operation in the world.
Our Pilgangoora Operation has outstanding scale, a long life and is a low-cost operation with a current estimated mine life of 33 years. It produces high quality products, is supported by strong and reliable customers and an outstanding team.
The Pilgangoora Operation is a significant resource and an important supplier into the global lithium supply chain. Our growth and diversification strategy means we are well positioned for the future.
ACN: 112 425 788
ABN: 95 112 425 788, Incorporated in Australia
Auditors: KPMG, 235 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Australia
Pilbara Minerals’ March Quarterly Report is scheduled for release on Wednesday, 26 April 2023.
The Company will host an investor update conference call covering the March Quarterly results commencing at 7.00am (WST) / 9.00am (AEST) on Thursday, 27 April 2023.
There are two options for participating in the call, as outlined below:
Webcast – for Retail Shareholders and Investors
Retail shareholders and investors are invited to listen to the call and view a synchronised slide presentation via the Loghic Connect webcast service. To listen live, register by clicking here.
Teleconference – for Analysts, Brokers, Fund Managers and Media
Professional investors (investors, brokers, analysts and fund managers) and media who wish to join the Teleconference with Pilbara Minerals’ senior management team can register by clicking here.
Please note that it is best to log on at least five minutes before the scheduled commencement time to ensure that you are registered in time for the call.
A recording of the call and webcast will be available on the same link and on Pilbara Minerals’ website approximately 1-2 hours after the conclusion of the webcast.
All shareholder queries relating to your security holdings should be directed to our share registry, Computershare Investor Services, on 1300 850 505 (Australia) or +61 (3) 9415 4000 (overseas).
Please direct any other queries to the Assistant Company Secretary on telephone 6266 6266.
Our 2024 AGM was held on Tuesday, 26 November 2024.